
Celtx Review (Scriptwriting Software)

Ah, hello my dear readers! I haven't updated as much due to a lot of work on my behalf for a film company, which I have been booted into making the film... script, cover, direct it, cast it, and do the special FX make-up! This is currently a joint venture, but because I had the chance to really get hands-on with script writing, I thought I'd do a review of a beautiful, genius little thing - Celtx.


In The Woods (to Chapter 3)

Carrie laughed as John ran through the forest. It was getting dark, but they didn’t care. The date was the eleventh of November in 1978.

“Carrie, John, get in here!” Carrie looked back and saw her mom standing on the door step, looking round, rubbing her arms. It was pretty cold today, but then again, it could just be the shock. The neighbour’s kid disappeared about a month ago with no trace. They asked around, and nobody knew anything. This was a small town in Alabama, Natural Bridge was close-knit too, so if anyone knew about her disappearance, then someone would cough it up. Nobody would leave something like that a secret. Not for long, anyway – the guilt would eat away at them until they were forced to ‘fess up. And it isn’t like many people came through this way.


In The Wood (slenderman piece) - Prologue

'The Slender' is a Slenderman work, based on findings from the Something Awful Forums. This is the prologue, enjoy!
Also this has not, and will not be edited, unless some kind person comes and asks to edit it for me. This isn't getting published, and if you want to buy the full book when it's done, it costs only 50p (about $1) as an e-book, so if you enjoy this, then why not buy it?


How to Self Publish

Because I am currently in the process of formating the novella layout for my story,I'm Falling, I decided to create a quickie guide on how to self-publish!
Self-publishing really isn't hard, and you can do everything by yourself.If you check my blog, I have an article on Why You Don't Need Editors - don't be fooled by the online scams.


Book Covers & Creating Your Own

Book covers are more than important, they are vital to your sales. If your book has a bad design, people won't buy it - simply because the book won't be aesthetically pleasing. On the flip-side of the coin however, a very appealing book (however bad the main plot is) can and will sell.

When creating your own cover, you need to keep in mind a few components, and a few important things.


The Vampire Market & Why it's a Waste Of Time

So we probably all agree, that vampires are kinda cool. I'm not referring to the Twilight ones, but to the ones from tales of old, the ones who would strike fear into people when they slept! I know about a place in Bulgaria, where they recently found stakes driven through the chests of the decayed bodies! 

Now, vampires may or may not be a simple legend - and I am not here to debate that. But rather, I'm telling you to not write a vampire novel if you honestly want to get published.

Showing versus Telling

Showing is powerful, it has the ability to give the reader a complete image in their minds about the scene, about the people, and gives the reader an insight and the capability to actually see what's going on - and this can stick in their heads much longer than just saying "she was mad".

"Don't tell us the old lady screamed - bring her on and let her show us." -Samuel Clemens

Who are Editors & Why you don't need them

Editors are the people you go to if you want your book proof-read, told how good or bad it is, then sent back, usually at $2 a page. Now, if you write a 100 page novella (which is lower than the industry standard), you can get charged $200, even if all they did was correct one spelling, and add in a colon or two. But of course, if you're terrible with writing...


Untitled - teaser #1

 Genre: Horror/Mystery Rating: TBC Warnings: Strong Language
This is an unnamed piece so far. This is all I've worked on up until now, and I wrote it in Science class :) It isn't going to be great but the quality definately degrades.

How much do Authors earn?

This is a very commonly asked question. And there is not really one simple answer - everything depends on how good the author is, how readable the book is, royalties etc etc...